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Slideroll Creator
From: Alexandria, VA
Registered: 2004-10-24
Posts: 383
Thanks a million for giving Slideroll a shot, so to speak.
I've just added these forums to allow users another means to communicate and share. I'd love to hear from you. Specifically, I'd like input on:
1. Bugs and trouble using the system. 2. Feature requests. 3. Ideas for ways to make the system easier to use. 4. Success stories, and sites that feature slideroll slideshows. 5. General questions not covered in help. (I'll use them to put together a FAQ very soon.)
Best, Geoff
_______________________________________ Is slideshow one word or two? That is the question...
2004-10-24 18:05:59 |
New member
Registered: 2005-06-15
Posts: 1
How to search for a specific slideroll if only know the person's name?. Where is your search feature?
2005-06-15 12:32:26 |
Slideroll Creator
From: Alexandria, VA
Registered: 2004-10-24
Posts: 383
Hi Jennylens!
There's no search feature, yet! Since most of the system is based on imagery, there's not much use for a text-based search. I'm working on a new tagging system and the ability to tag and search.
Best, Geoff
_______________________________________ Is slideshow one word or two? That is the question...
2005-06-16 00:27:20 |