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Slideroll Creator
From: Alexandria, VA
Registered: 2004-10-24
Posts: 572
I'd like to take a moment to thank you all for taking part in the Slideroll community. My great hope is that Slideroll will become a thriving community, and I can see it happening today. Recently, we've had a lot of activity from families who wish to share moments from their lives. It gives me great joy to see this unfold on our site.
Just to let you know a little more about where Slideroll is in its history right now, let me give you some statistics:
1. Launched October 2004 2. Over 1,500 members. Gaining 40+ a day (on average). 3. More than 1,100 slideshows. (470 public) Around 20 new slideshows a day. 4. More than 13,000 photos. |
Numbers by themselves don't relay the vibrancy of the content that is being made on our site... but let me bore you with one more tidbit. The server space that our site occupies grew in size by 20% in the last week. That means, that in three months, our site will be full at the current level of service. After that, server costs double!
Now for the hard facts. Of the 1500+ Slideroll members, we only have a small number of paying members. Unfortunately, there are not yet enough to cover costs for the basic web hosting service. In three months, I'll need to pay twice as much.
So, at the risk of being long-winded, I'd like to ask all of you to think about what in the course of a month you spend $3.75 on, and if Slideroll is something that could be one of those things. My dream is to give people the power to make wonderful moving memories from their photos, and share them on the web, without having to be a web guru. Do you think a service like this is worthwhile? If so, think about upgrading to Pro.
Remember, as a Pro member, you can upload up to 500 photos at a higher image quality, and you can download your slideshows to save and view offline.
I hope we can reach our financial goals and keep Slideroll running without advertising and without having to expire free accounts. You are the key to us reaching that goal.
Thanks again for your support!
Regards, Geoff Gaudreault
_______________________________________ Is slideshow one word or two? That is the question...
2005-04-05 00:25:00 |
New member
Registered: 2005-04-04
Posts: 1
I have been thinking about becoming a paid customer and had a thought that if by paying we were able to upload our own music to go with our personal slide shows it would be more worth our while. Is this a possiblity that you are looking at going to in the future?
2005-04-05 20:42:26 |
Slideroll Creator
From: Alexandria, VA
Registered: 2004-10-24
Posts: 572
When you say "your own music", do you mean music that you created yourself? If it is music that you've bought on CD, then that is copyrighted, and I cannot legally allow people to upload it to my site due to copyright restrictions. Sorry!
_______________________________________ Is slideshow one word or two? That is the question...
2005-04-05 22:35:49 |
Slideroll Creator
From: Alexandria, VA
Registered: 2004-10-24
Posts: 572
I've adjusted my calculations, and it looks like we'll reach our server limit in two months!
_______________________________________ Is slideshow one word or two? That is the question...
2005-04-05 22:37:57 |
New member
From: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Registered: 2005-04-20
Posts: 3
Wow! Awesome concept!
I'll probably upgrade just because your slideshow creation interface is really user-friendly. Not to nag you on the cost or anything, but I would imagine you must be looking at some banner ad sponsors to support the site, or not? I mean, you must be generating a TON of traffic with folks posting slide shows on their web pages (my intention)... Just curious.
Ah, and one question. The slide show you have on your home page is a different size than that produced by the slide show creation interface. Is this intentional, or did I miss a place in which I could determine my own slide show dimensions?
Paco Ojeda
2005-04-20 18:21:12 |
Slideroll Creator
From: Alexandria, VA
Registered: 2004-10-24
Posts: 572
Thanks for the compliments. No, you didn't miss anything. The intro slideshow is a custom player. I'm working on adding customizable dimensions to the player. I hope to ahve it up within the next month or so.
_______________________________________ Is slideshow one word or two? That is the question...
2005-04-20 21:46:59 |
Registered: 2005-01-13
Posts: 27
You can now change the slideshow window easily, like Geoff said. You can add your own soundtrack, but only after you download the slideshow and host it yourself (which presumably means it's all your own headache if you choose to put a Metallica soundtrack on your slideshow).
Last edited by aesop (2006-02-26 05:01:26)
2006-02-26 05:00:49 |